Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Chicago Speed Cameras

Being a driver in Chicago can be hectic, crazy and stressful. You have cabs trying to get around you, other cars, buses, people walking, bicycle riders and much more happening around you. The last thing you want to worry about is getting a speeding ticket or a red light ticket. I have found about 45 different places around Chicago with red light cameras, and speeding cameras. Take a look and see how many there are, and how close they are to one another. You can see that many of these cameras are located by major park areas such as, Lincoln park, McKinley park. I believe the reason why they are here are because there are many pedestrians and people around these areas, this is helping drivers be aware that they need to follow the speed limit to not only help them but also to avoid a tragic accident.  I also found that there are a couple by the Airport as well, again the high pedestrian rate in this area is speed camera benefit. Chicago is a very busy place and there is always something happening, and this is why that speed cameras and red light cameras are put into place to help everyones safety. Though it may be annoying getting a ticket in the mail, it also teaches you a lesson on staying the speed limit even though it is hard when cars are behind you giving you the middle finger but they'll be glad you followed the rules and kept them from getting a ticket or even worse causing an accident.

Check out the map here! 

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